Moving heads
Archer Beam B2Lamp Sirius Osram 132W1 wheel 12 Colors1 wheel 16 fixed gobos8 facet rotating prism5 facet rotating prismDMX controlLamp (included)
Archer Beam B2 KITKit of 4 beams moving headsLamp Sirius 2R Osram 132W1 wheel 12 Colors1 wheel 16 fixed gobos8 facet rotating prism5 facet rotating prismDMX controlflightcase and lamp (included)
Archer Spot S7380W led sourceMotorized zoom 7 ° -43 °Linear CMY color mixing system8 static gobos7 rotating gobosAnimation wheel with continuous rotationCircular prism 3 facesLinear prism 5 facesMotorized irisDMX control
Archer Spot S7 KIT
KIT of 2 Spot moving heads
380W led source
Motorized zoom 7 ° -43 °
Linear CMY color mixing system
8 static gobos
7 rotating gobos
Animation wheel with continuous rotation
Circular prism 3 faces
Linear prism 5 faces
Motorized iris
DMX control
Case (included)
Archer W819X40W Osram led RGBW/FCSingle pixel controlMotorized zoom 5°-50°DMX control
Archer X10Hybrid beam/spot moving headOsram 420W HRI discharge sourceBeam mode angle: 1.6° ~ 18°Spot mode angle: 3° ~ 41°Color wheel with 13 colors13 static gobos9 rotating gobosLinear frost8-facet circular prism6-facet linear prismDMX control
Brand: SDJ
JBeam 150Led source 150W1 wheel 14 Colors1 wheel 17 fixed gobos8 facet rotating circular prismDMX control
Brand: SDJ
JBeam 230
Lamp Osram Sirius HRI 231W
1 wheel 11 Colors
1 wheel 16 fixed gobos
16 facet rotating circular prism
24 facet rotating circular prism
DMX control
Lamp (included)
Brand: SDJ
J Beam 230 KIT
Kit of 2 beams moving head
Lamp Osram Sirius HRI 231W
1 wheel 11 Colors
1 wheel 16 fixed gobos
16 facet rotating circular prism
24 facet rotating circular prism
DMX control
Flightcase e lamp (included)
Brand: SDJ
JBeam MiniLed source 75W1 wheel 12 Colors1 wheel 17 fixed gobos8 facet rotating circular prismDMX control
Brand: SDJ
J Spot MiniLed spot moving head1X75W white led1 wheel 8 colors1 wheel 6 fixed gobos3 facet rotating prismEletronic focusDMX control
Brand: SDJ
J Wash 40028X15W led RGBW/FCFront LED ring with programmable static and dynamic effectsMotorized zoom 17°-32°DMX control
Brand: SDJ
J Wash 400 KITKit of 2 wash led zoom moving heads28X15W led RGBW/FCFront LED ring with programmable static and dynamic effectsMotorized zoom 17°-32°DMX controlflightcase (included)
Archer Wash W8 KIT
KIT of 2 Wash moving heads
19X40W Osram led RGBW/FCSingle pixel controlMotorized zoom 5°-50°DMX control
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 (1 Pages)